Atlantic Vision Care i Hamilton

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68 Church Street, Hamilton HM12, Bermuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 441-295-7300
Latitude: 32.294228, Longitude: -64.78044
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Kommentar 4

  • Gnica Brangman

    Gnica Brangman


    From the moment I made my appointment, I felt like family on the phone with Ross. He ensured my info was correct which in turn made my check-in effortless as a new customer. I arrived early so my wait time was well utilized by viewing the array of frames in stock which also had prices that ranged from reasonable to designer. Dr. Samms assistant received me on time which is a plus and was very pleasant. Dr. Samms was also on time, very thorough, informative and the bonus was that he was cute. As a new customer, he made the experience and relay of bad news less daunting. The best part of my experience was selecting the frames, my lens technician guy was AWESOME he was able to give feedback on my face shape, suggest trends, match my personality and still find ones that met the transition lens requirements. He went beyond the normal customer service and was able to combine one frame with another lens shape. My overall experience was by far the best I have had in any service facility on the island. What an awesome team.... THANK YOU

  • Lisa Lambe

    Lisa Lambe


  • Nelia Carreiro

    Nelia Carreiro


    Great overall experience for a first time customer. If you’re hesitante or in “denial” of getting glasses the Atlantic team will ease your insecurities. The facility is bright, airy and equipped with modern technology to detect any underlying issues you may have with your sight👍🏻👍🏻Up.

  • Kathy Lu

    Kathy Lu


    Amazing service! This place literally saved my vacation. I forgot my contact lenses at home, but they were able to get me a pair of trial lenses they had in stock, matched to my prescription! Very fast turnaround and very patient, generous folks. And trust me, they are the nicest optometrist office around--I called literally every single eye doctor on the island in a panic after discovering that my contacts were missing, so I know from firsthand experience.

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